CA Port Data Interoperability Grant Program: ISC Visits the Port of Oakland
We reached a big milestone in the Port Data Interoperability Grant Program last week — we awarded all the funds to the five participating ports! While we have to wait until the official announcement before we can talk about details here, we did use this milestone as an opportunity to meet some of the awesome folks at Port of Oakland in person, and take a tour of their very cool facility. ISC’s project lead Mike Mansour and project assistant Morasha Ahrns were joined by DataCRT’s Noah Bruegmann. DataCRT / Noah are part of the grant program’s Technical Advisory Committee, which has played such a critical role in this project.
Once on-site, our group was joined by Port of Oakland’s Romario James, Pia Franzese, and Carolyn Almquist, who were kind enough to give a tour of the port security ops center and the Evergreen terminal. The security ops center was very cool — modern and impressive — and the Evergreen terminal was just awe-inspiring in its size and scale. After only seeing the port for so long while driving over the Bay Bridge, our group appreciated the opportunity to see it in person. Check out the attached photos to get a sense of the scale! We look forward to announcing more details about the awards within the next couple of weeks, and to working with Port of Oakland and our other stakeholders on the remainder of the project.
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